Braintree Subscriptions + Churn Buster

Braintree Subscriptions + Churn Buster

1. Payment Method Updates

When a customer updates their payment method via a Churn Buster Capture form, Churn Buster tokenizes the payment method and passes it directly to your Braintree account.

Churn Buster adds payment methods and sets them as the default for your customer, rather than deleting/replacing existing payment methods.

2. Subscription Reactivations & Past-Due Balance Collection

Churn Buster will activate subscriptions in Braintree so that you don't end up in a position where customers add good cards-on-file, without paying their balance or reactivating their subscription.

Churn Buster attaches the updated card to any delinquent subscriptions, and attempts to charge the customer the value of their subscription. This avoids billing long-past-due customers hundreds or thousands of dollars (Braintree's default). If you'd like to charge customers up to 2x, 3x, or more of their subscription value, let us know. This can be useful when customers have been delinquent for a long time, or when your recovery campaigns last more than 30 days (multiple invoices can go unpaid before your customer corrects their payment method).

It's important that you get paid reliably and quickly, and that future renewals happen as expected.

3. Smart Retry Logic

Braintree allows you to schedule (only) up to 2 retries after a payment fails.

Using Churn Buster's Custom Retry Logic, you can schedule as many additional retries as you need. Retries are positioned to optimally resolve payment issues with the existing card-on-file, instead of emailing your customer for a new payment method.