When customers click to cancel, Cancel Flows deliver the right experience to retain subscribers and surface valuable feedback.
Beautifully designed, branded flows—remind customers why they love your brand, make it easy to change their mind The right offers at the right time—improve retention with targeted offers based on the reason customers are canceling Unique experiences for different customer types—segment customers intelligently into the right cancel flows
And most importantly, view analytics that yield actionable insights—you’ll get better at retaining customers while you get better at shipping products they love.
Branded experience
Present customers with a large, branded page to find out why they are cancelling, and make it easy to stay subscribed
Offer to skip a shipment rather than cancel
Target offers to different reasons, like swapping into different products or discounting
Smart offers
Create multiple offers and see how they perform against each other as Churn Buster learns and optimizes your Cancel Flows
Segmented flows
Memberships cancel for different reasons than Product subscriptions
Offer a unique experience for different customer types (high/low LTV customers, memberships vs product subscribers, segmented by acquisition channel, etc
Continuous improvement
Track progress from your Churn Buster dashboard
View cancellation save rate over time
See which save offers perform the best
Track how different customer types are performing and create new flows