When a recurring payment succeeds in your billing system, you need to notify Churn Buster so that a recovery campaign can be ended, if one is active.
- Add a trigger in your in-house logic, or subscribe to a webhook from your payment processor or subscription management tool, when recurring payments succeed (don't make this API request for one-off payments, Churn Buster doesn't need to be notified of those).
- When that trigger occurs or the webhook is received, submit the following API request to Churn Buster.
- You can preview your sandbox API requests in the debugger here if using your test-mode API key, or here if using your live-mode API key.
curl -X "POST" "https://api.churnbuster.io/v1/successful_payments" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d $'{
"payment": {
"source": "in_house",
"source_id": "ch_abc123",
"amount_in_cents": 2900,
"currency": "USD"
"customer": {
"source": "in_house",
"source_id": "cus_abc123",
"email": "sarah@example.com",
"properties": {
"first_name": "Sarah",
"last_name": "Doe"
Important note about "source" and "source_id":
- Wherever you see source in the API docs, set it to "in_house" or another consistent name that references your in-house subscription management system.
- Wherever you see source_id in the API docs, set it to the ID from within your in-house system, with unique ID's for the Customer, Subscription, Payment Method, etc.